Friday, 2 March 2018

외환 거래 코칭 첸나이 grt

교육 과정. 매일 매일 더 치열 해지는 새로운 직업에 대한 경쟁으로 인해 신청자는 자신의 취업률을 높이기 위해 모든 도구를 사용하는 것이 중요합니다. 빠르게 움직이는 끊임없이 변화하는 직업 시장에서 항상 업데이트되는 기술 및 작업 절차로 공인 인증서를 얻는 것이 도움이 될 수 있습니다 구직자는 경쟁에서 눈에 띄고 장기간의 성공적인 경력을 향한 첫 걸음을 내딛습니다. 새로운 기술과 역량을 확보하는 것이 근로자에게 유익한 것은 아닙니다 많은 기업들이 까다로운 시장 환경에서 개선 된 결과와 운영 효율성을 제공해야 할 더 큰 압력을 받고 있습니다 연구 연구 결과에 따르면 기존 직원의 기술을 향상시킴으로써보다 효과적이고 효율적이며 경쟁력을 확보 할 수있는 입증 된 방법을 정기적으로 보여주었습니다. 이것은 새로운 직업 기술을 습득하고 전국적으로 얻는 방법으로 취업 전망을 향상시키고 자하는 사람들을위한 리소스 페이지입니다 인정 된 자격이 페이지에서 찾으실 수 있습니다. 전문가 조언 전문가가 작성하고 설계 한 교육 과정을 무료로 제공하는 링크. 신뢰할 수있는 교육 제공자의 디렉토리. 구직자가 정보에 입각 한 최상의 직업 선택을 할 수 있도록 관련 정보, 사실 및 조언을 제공합니다. 광범위한 교육 과정 및 관련 과목이 모든 자료는 근로자, 실업자, 실업자, 미성년자 또는 직업 변화를 찾는 사람들에게 유용 할 것입니다. 훈련 과정 목록. 시작 - 훈련 과정을 선택하기 전에, 다음 포인트에 대해 생각하십시오. 장기 및 단기 경력 목표를 분석하면 훈련 요구를보다 정확하게 파악하는 데 도움이됩니다. 선택한 경력이나 업계에서 고용주가 찾고있는 필수 자격 및 자격증을 확인하십시오. 특정 교육 과정이 귀하의 경력에 ​​직접적으로 도움이됩니다. 코스를 운영하는 다양한 교육 제공자에 대한 자세한 정보는 어디에서 얻을 수 있습니까? 당신은 관심이 있습니다. 평판 좋은 대학, 교육 학교 및 학습 제공자에게 안내하십시오. 코스 길이는 얼마입니까? 풀 타임, 파트 타임, 저녁 또는 주말입니다. 학습 방법, 즉 교과, 평가 또는 시험이 무엇입니까? 얼마나 많은 시간을 할애해야하는지 알아보고, 많은 노력을 기울일 수 있는지 자문 해보십시오. 비용이 얼마나 들지 요. 가능한 자금이나 보조금을받을 수 있습니까? 실용적인 유용성을 생각해보십시오. 훈련 과정을 당신의 업무 및 기술에 맞게 조정할 수 있습니다. 구직자 직업에 대한 교육 과정 및 인증서의 장점. 고용주의 요구 사항을 충족시킴으로써 직업 자격을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 채용 프로세스에서 그들은 당신을 도울 수 있습니다 다른 구직자들로부터 구원을 얻으십시오. 지적이고 개인적으로 발전 할 수 있도록 도와줌으로써 다른 후보들보다 우위에 있습니다. 많은 채용 담당자들이 신청서에 특정 자격을 요구합니다. 인터뷰에 초대받을 가능성을 높여줍니다. 이것은 예비 고용주에게 당신이 적극적이고 배우고 자하는 의지가 있음을 보여줄 수 있습니다. 경력 변화를 위해 재 훈련하십시오. 귀하의 자격증 명에 추가 할 수 있고 이후에 자신의 개인적, 대인 관계 및 전문 기술을 개발하십시오. 교육 과정의 직원에게 심리적 혜택. 직원의 동기를 유지하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 직장에서의 지루함을 줄이려면 도움이됩니다. 새로운 기술과 지식은 직원들 사이에 긍정적 인 태도를 창출하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 교육 과정을 통해 직원들이 고용주의 가치를 느끼게하고 직원 충성도를 높이고 직원 유지율을 높일 수 있습니다. 직원들이 자신감을 갖고 자신의 역할을 수행 할 수 있기 때문에 직장에서의 스트레스가 줄어들고 이로 인해 스트레스 관련 질병이 줄어 듭니다. 혜택 직원 교육 직원 직원에게 기존 직원을 훈련시키고 스키를 확장하여 내부에서 비즈니스를 구축하는 것이 상업적으로 바람직합니다 당신이 필요한 수준까지 훈련받을 수있는 현재 직원의 자산을 이미 가지고있을 때 새로운 경험있는 직원을 고용해야하는 노력과 비용을 들여야하는 이유. 대상 교육 과정에 대한 내정을 집에서나 가능하지 않은 경우 개인 훈련 제공자가 운영하는 외부 시설에서. 고용주는 정부 보조금으로 보조금을받을 수도 있고 완전히 무료 일 수도있는 고용주에게 또 하나의 이점을 제공합니다. 직원 사기 향상 일상적인 업무와 책임이 완전히 훈련되지 않은 직원 자신이 전문적 발달이 요구되거나 필요하지 않다는 신호로 훈련에 투자하기를 꺼리는 것을 해석 할 수 있습니다. 직원의 동기 부여를 향상시킵니다. 격려하고 지원하는 고용주 그들의 직원 능력과 기술의 개발은 동시에 노동자의 동기와 일하는 것을 증가시킬 것입니다. r 회사에 대한 충성도 이것에는 여러 가지 이유가 있습니다. 교장 선생님은 직원이 사업 개발에 계속 종사하고 있다면 관련이 있고 흥미 있고 동기가 부여됩니다. 교육을 계속할 수있는 몇 가지 이유가 있습니다. 직원들은 동기를 부여받습니다. 사람들은 고용주가 그들을 훈련시키기 위해 시간과 돈을 소비했다는 사실을 알게되면 더 많은 가치를 느낍니다. 사용자는 자신의 고용주에게 빚이 있다고 느끼게 할 수 있으며, 열심히 노력하여 돈을 돌려 줄 수 있습니다. 직원에게 선택권을 부여하고 그들이 선택한 분야 나 과목에서 훈련되도록 허용하면 직원이 경영진이 우려 사항에 귀 기울이는 것처럼 느낄 수 있으므로 매우 어려울 수 있습니다. 훈련받은 사람은 자신이 생각하는 것보다 더 많은 것을 느낄 수 있습니다. 회사 내의 스테이크 및 책임을 통해 고용주에게 더 ​​많이 묶고 더 강한 소속감을 갖도록 도울 수 있습니다. 더 많은 교육을 통해 더 많은 목표를 달성 할 수 있으며, 직원의 동기를 유지할 수 있습니다. b 새로운 기술을 가진 사람은 지루함을 줄이고 사람들의 동기를 유지할 수 있습니다. 직원의 훈련 요구와 요구 사항에 관심이있는 관대하고 책임감 있고 자선 단체라는 이미지를 가지고 있으면 놀라운 목표를 달성 할 수 있습니다. 직원의 동기 부여 수준을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 양질의 직원을 끌어 모으는 데 도움 직원의 훈련을 진지하게 받아들이는 고용주라는 평판은 유능하고 재능있는 후보자를 유치하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 홍보 기회와 좋은 봉급을 제공하는 것과 함께 많은 직업 지원자들의 주요 매력 모든 회사가 원하는 것은 직원들이 자신의 회사가 근무하는 가장 큰 장소를 알기 쉽게 알려줍니다. 직원이 저지른 실수 직원에게 투자하면 직원을보다 유능하고 효율적이며 효율적으로 사고를 줄일 수 있습니다 당신의 회사 이익에 좋은 소식입니다. 높은 직원 유지 비율 숙련 된 핵심 직원 유지가 중요 할 수 있습니다. 어떤 사업의 성공으로도 그들이 떠난다면 기술을 빼앗아 갈 수 있지만 다른 직원을 불안정하게 만들 수 있고 또한 대체품을 찾고 찾지 않아도됩니다. 한 번 방법으로 사람들과 대화를 나눌 기회를 제공하는 것입니다. 기술을 습득하고 교육 비용을 지불하여 새로운 자격을 얻습니다. 노동력은보다 유연하고 융통성있게됩니다. 인력은 주요 업무 이외의 분야에서 교차 교육함으로써 생산성과 능숙성 및 반응성을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 한 명의 직원이 아플 거리거나 휴일에 쉽게 다른 직원이 자신의 역할을 쉽게 수행 할 수 있습니다. 교차 교육은 직원에게 회사에서의 역할에 대한 더 나은 이해를 제공 할 수 있습니다. 그 자체로 더 나은 협력과 팀워크가 촉진 될 수 있습니다. 그들이 새로운 직책을 맡을 때의 초기 준비 목표는 직업을 제대로 수행하는 데 필요한 필수 기술을 소개하는 것입니다 그리고 예상되는대로하십시오. 그것은 몇 시간에서 몇 주까지 지속될 수 있으며 직무의 실질적인 측면에만 초점을 맞추는 것이 아닙니다. 또한 신입 사원이 자신의 직무에 그들을 소개함으로써 작업 환경에 정착하는 데 도움이됩니다. 미래의 직장 동료들과 그들의 직장 구내에서 그들을 보여주기. 새로운 환경에 적응하는 것을 돕는 것에서 다른 것 그것의 다른 핵심 목표는 회사의 즉각적인 유리한 인상을 제시하는 것이어야한다. 회사 건물 둘러보기, 매뉴얼 및 서면 정보 교육. 유도 교육에는 무엇이 포함되어 있습니까? 사무실이나 공장의 배치를 설명하고, 식당, 화장실, 휴게실 등을 보여줍니다. 고용 조건을 확인하고 반복하십시오. 건강과 안전 흡연과 휴게실이있는 곳을 보여줍니다. 비즈니스 및 경영 구조에 대한 소개. 홍보, 징계 및 훈련 정책을 설명합니다. 핵심 직원 및 직장 동료에 대한 소개. 새로운 직원에게 기대되는 업무 성과. 직업 훈련. 이것은 직원이 실제로 일하는 동안 일하는 동안 제공되는 훈련입니다. 일반적으로 숙련 된 직원이 필요합니다 직원을 멘토링하고, 관찰하며, 그림자를 드리 우고 코칭합니다. 효과적으로하기 위해 OJT는 직원의 정확한 업무 환경에서 계획, 조직 및 실시되어야한다고 알려져 있습니다. 고용주가 직원의 기술을 확대 할 수있는 빠르고 생산적이고 저렴한 방법입니다. 집합과 지식 특히 직무가 복잡하지 않고 시험이나 자격을 필요로하지 않는 경우 특정 역할에 맞는 재능과 기술을 개발하는 이상적인 방법입니다. 다른 주요 장점은 신규 이민자가 실제 생활 시나리오에서 함께 훈련 할 수 있다는 것입니다 side future work colleagues 잠재적 인 단점은 나쁜 습관이 전달되었을 수도 있고 강사가 전문 교사가 아니기 때문에 품질 교수법에 대한 가장 일반적인 방법이 있습니다. 직업 회전 이것은 연수생이 다른 직책으로 이동하여 별도의 직무와 관련된 일상 업무 및 활동의 경험을 얻는 곳입니다. 데모 및 교육 강사가 연수생과 함께 업무에 대해 지시하는 가장 기본적인 교육입니다. 경험이 풍부한 직원이 며칠 또는 몇 주 동안 신입 사원과 함께 업무를 수행하고 멘토링하고 성과를 모니터링합니다. 직업 훈련 끄기 이것은 직원의 근무처에서 수행되며 대개 제 3 자 훈련 회사의 자격을 갖춘 경험이 풍부한 강사가 실시합니다. 원격 교육, 자습, 저녁 수업 또는 하루 수업 인 직업 교육은 제외됩니다 훈련 학교에서 개최됩니다. 직업 훈련과는 달리, 학생에게 자격증 및 자격증을 발급 할 수 있습니다. 주요 장점은 다음과 같습니다. 전문가 및 전문가와 협력하여 공인 된 자격을 취득 할 수 있습니다. 주요 단점은 코스 비용, 여행 경비 및 훈련을받는 데 시간을 할애해야하는 직원의 노동 시간 손실이라는 비용과 시간입니다. Cnnnai S Best. Chennai S 최고의 교육 제공 업체 및 강사. Sysadmin Academy Sysadmin Academy 소프트웨어 관리 과정의 최고 기업 Usn road에 위치한 Chennai는 첸나이 실크에 대한 GRT Opp 옆에 위치하고 있으며, 모든 소프트웨어 관리 분야의 전문 교육을 제공하여 매우 경쟁력있는 비용과 훌륭한 품질을 제공합니다. 1 Redhat Linux 관리 Redhat 파트너 2 HP Unix 관리 3 IBM AIX 관리 4 Sun Solaris 이상. Vyomlabs Pvt Ltd Vyom Labs는 ITIL 교육을 포괄하는 ITSM 서비스를 제공합니다. ITIL ISO 20000 컨설팅의 진정한 현대 소재 및 응용 예술 컨설팅 현대 건축 등을 위해. Yogiki 로보틱스 클럽이 이제 시작된 것은 무엇입니까? 로봇 공학 및 임베디드 시스템 오늘날 인도에서 차세대 교육용 로봇의 선두 주자 Yogiki는 학생들이 Flat World에서 승리하는 데 도움이되는 기술 기반 비즈니스 솔루션을 정의, 설계 및 제공합니다. Yogiki는 또한 Coalesce Technologies Pvt Ltd Coalesce Technologies는 기업 교육 서비스 및 기술 컨설팅을 전문으로하고 있으며 2002 년부터 IT 산업에 대한 증가하는 요구를 충족시키기 위해 고객 및 지분 보유자에게 가치를 창출 해 왔습니다. 10 년 넘게 Coalesce Technologies Pvt Ltd는 종합적인 품질과 탁월한 고객 서비스를 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 더 많은 것을 생각해 보도록 격려하는이 헌신은 여행을 촉발 시켰습니다. KalaAnantarupah Dance School Mr Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy 설립자 - KALAANANTARUPAH 프로필 Mr. Thiyagarajakumar는 전설적인 마임 극장 예술가 중 한 명입니다. 오늘이 세상의 찬사를받는 대표자들 마임 극장 거리 예술가, 배우 연사, 코치, 기업 마임 극장 강사, 마임 극장 테라피 전문가, 이야기 텔러, 어린이 전문가, 특수 어린이 등 다양한 프로그램을 제공합니다. 원격 기술자 한정판 Remo 국제 항공 대학 항공 어스 타임 훈련 파일럿 교육 공항지면 직원 교육 비행 배차 훈련 객실 승무원 훈련 항공 티켓팅 훈련 우리는 첸나이 Annanagar velanhery Guindy coimbatore Hyderabad Delhi Trivandrum Dehradun에 더 많은 지사를두고 있습니다. Wiztech Automation Solutions Wiztech 91 99404 26826은 최고의 PLC 임베디드 VLSI 최종 학년 프로젝트 트레이닝 센터입니다. Chennai It 국제 인증 중심 교육 및 무료 배치 서비스로 PLC, SCADA, DCS, HMI, EMBEDDED, 8051, PIC, ARM, AVR, RTOS, VLSI 교육에 대한 100 가지 실습을 제공합니다. Maintec Technologies Maintec은 IBM Global 서비스 인도 회사는 특별히 겐에 양질의 훈련을주기 위해 공공 부문 및 기업 부문 우리는 최고 수준의 교육 서비스를 제공하겠다는 약속을 가지고 있으며, 여러 강의실을 갖춘 최첨단 교육 시설을 보유하고 있으며, 기술 전문 분야의 선택이 가능합니다. - house ES 9000 more. Mrserviceacademy는 ISO 9001-2008 인증 교육 아카데미로 모바일, 스마트 장치, 데스크톱, 랩톱 및 가정용 기기에 첸나이에 근무하는 광범위한 교육 기관에 교육을 제공하며 구직자 서비스 전문가 및 성공적인 기업가를 더 많이 창출하는 목표를 가지고 있습니다. Ikt Chennai의 SAP 교육 첸나이의 IICT SAP 교육 인증 된 SAP ERP가 인증 한 SAP ERP의 IICT 교육 다양한 SAP 모듈의 광대 한 도메인 경험을 갖춘 전문가가 모든 SAP 모듈에 대한 모든 SAP 트레이너를위한 실질적인 교육을 제공합니다. 인도 및 해외에서 교육 과정이 성공적으로 완료되면 SAP에 대한 지원이 추가로 제공됩니다. KBS Training Institute for Microsoft Dynamics Trai KBS 교육 연구소는 업계 최고의 Microsoft Dynamics 온라인을 제공합니다. Microsoft Dynamics AX 온라인 교육, 이전의 Axapta, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 온라인 교육, 이전의 Navision, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 온라인 교육, Microsoft Dynamics GP 온라인 교육, 이전의 Great Plains 소프트웨어 업계 전문가 교육 KBS 교육 연구소의 더 많은 것. Wisen Technologies 첸나이, 인도에 설립 Wisen Technologies는 잘 훈련 된 교수진 및 업계 전문가와 함께 빠르게 성장하는 전문 IT 훈련 회사 중 하나입니다. 업데이트 된 컴퓨터, 독창적 인 소프트웨어 및 쾌적한 분위기로 학습하십시오. Besant Technologies Besant Technologies는 Oracle SQL과 같은 상록 기술에 최고의 소프트웨어 교육 및 배치를 제공합니다. PHP J2EE IBM 메인 프레임 소프트웨어 테스팅 Informatica Dat 웨어 하우징, 웹 디자인 및 개발, 유닉스, C 및 C 쉘 스크립팅 및 학생들에게 더 많은 것을 배웁니다. 우리는 각각의 학생들과 아주 좋은 상호 작용을 제공하기 위해 5-10 명의 학생으로 배치 크기를 제한합니다. Highplaces International Academy 당신이 몇 분의 시간을 할애 할 수 있다면 주제에 High Places International Academy는 당신이 전망, 성격 및 포부에서 글로벌이 될 수 있도록 도와줌으로써 급변하는 세상에서 더 관련성이 높은 프로그램을 목표로 한 프로그램입니다. 교육 또는 외국 클라이언트를 즐겁게, 최고의 학교와 대학은 더 이상하지 않습니다. 인도어 연구소 Bartending 우리는, 인도 연구소의 바텐딩은 세계 바텐더 교육 기관 WBTO와 제휴하고있는 남부 인도의 최초이자 최고의 Bartending 학교로 자신을 소개하는 기쁘다 , 브리티시 컬럼비아 캐나다 우리는 각 학생에게 오늘날의 호텔 산업 강좌에서 요구하는 기술, 지식 및 자신감을 훈련하고 장비합니다 se 세부 정보 파트 타임 풀 타임 1 IIBT 디플로마 more. Sketch 콜 센터 교육 연구소 사립 회사 Shiksha Bharti Puraskar 수상자 우승자 - D Ravindra Kumar 수상 SKETCH 이사 국장 교육, 개발 및 배치 서비스 부문 Sketch는 교육, 배치 분야에서 벤치 마크를 달성하고 더 많은 것을 최상의 서비스를 제공하는 것이 목적 인 품질, 헌신 및 숙련 된 성취자를 상징합니다. United Techno Solutions United Techno Solutions UTS는 솔루션에 정통한 회사입니다. 다양한 비즈니스에 대해 효과적이고 유용한 솔루션을 개발하기 위해 노력합니다. 다중 도메인 전문성의 융합은 고객 친화적 솔루션 개발에 도움이됩니다. 소프트웨어 개발 및 지원 그룹에는 자체 리소스 요구 사항을 지원할 수있는 교육 기관이 있습니다. 우리는 주요 엔지니어링 및 과학 분야의 사람들을 더 고용합니다. 소프트웨어 보안 시스템 Pvt Ltd Plexus는 RHCE CCNA CCNP co의 평판이 좋은 교육 센터입니다. 학교 및 기업 단체를위한 행동 기술 습득 및 공학 및 경영 대학에 대한 사전 배치 교육 지원 제공 Sikkim, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chennai, Andhra Pradesh, Jhansi, Chhattisgarh에 대한 지원 확대 우리는 다양한 산업 분야의 강사진을 보유하고 있습니다 배경 및 more. Vibrant Ndt 서비스 우리는 VIBRANT NDT 서비스 VNS, 첸나이에 본사를 둔 회사로 우리 자신을 소개하는 데 걸릴 우리는 석유 화학 비료 화학 공업, 자동차, 그리고 위조 등 다양한 산업에 대한 비파괴 검사 NDT 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다 활기찬 비파괴 검사 서비스는 고객의 요구 사항 및 특정 사항에 대한 광범위한 검사 솔루션을 제공합니다. Thenetsense CCNA CCNP CCIP CCVP CUCM 7 UNITY CONNECTION 7 우리는 고객에게 최고의 품질 교육 자료와 우수한 인프라를 제공하는 이유를 알고 있습니다. 자격을 갖춘 강사진이 실제 경험을 공유 할 것입니다. Wiztech Automation Solutions Pvt Ltd Wiztech Automation은 임베디드 및 자동화 교육 및 프로젝트를 제공하는 최고의 MNC 중 하나입니다. PLC SCADA VFD 제어 패널, 현장 계측기, DCS Embedded에서 향상된 기술 교육을 제공합니다. 시스템 프로그램 제공 산업 자동화 모듈 1 인증 자동화 엔지니어 Keyence, AB, ABB In-touch Wonderware VFD HMI 모듈 2 more. Green International - 경영 전문가 교육 프로젝트 관리 컨설팅 녹색 국제 경영 교육 프로그램에 오신 것을 환영합니다 우리의 사명은 국제적으로 인정 된 경영 교육 전문 자격 증명을 통해 경력 목표를 달성하기위한 다양한 영역의 모든 전문가들의 요구에 맞는 코스 PMP CCE CCC LEED GA LEED AP PMI-SP PMI-RMP, PSP, CMA, FIDIC, Primavera P6 Competency Partner는 Bangalore, Pune, Delh에서 소프트웨어 테스팅 교육을 실시합니다. i NCR과 Chennai Competency Partners는 대부분의 학생들이 교육 직후에 배치되었으므로 소프트웨어 테스팅 트레이닝을위한 최고의 기관 중 하나입니다. 사이트, 오프 사이트 또는 혼합 모델의 소프트웨어 엔지니어링에 대한 맞춤형 코스를 기업 고객에게 제공합니다 Mahesh FoReX Forex 거래 100에서 배우고 원금을 보장합니다. 모든 투자 수익을 모든 회사에 투자하지 말고 수익을 기다려야합니다. 인사 담당자의 조언은 독자적으로 Forex 거래를 배우는 것입니다. 거래를하고 이익을 얻으십시오. 거래는 매우 간단한 과정입니다. 이전에는 많은 MLM에 많은 투자를 했었습니다. Pixelbyte Lab P Ltd 인도 우리는 당신이 훈련하는 데 5 년 이상의 경험을 쌓았습니다. LAMP Linux Apache MySQL PHP in Chennai 인도 300 명 이상의 신입생 및 전문가가 LAMP를 성공적으로 수강했습니다. 인도 첸나이의 오픈 소스 최고 기업 강사로 평판되었습니다. International Studen 남아프리카, 오스트리아, 아랍 에미리트, 싱가포르의 ts 어느 곳에서나 우리 학생들 모두 꿈을 꾸는 IT-Jobs 더 많은 것을 얻습니다. 시스템 인증 우리는 첸나이를 기반으로 인도 전역에 우리의 배달 채널과 고객을두고 있습니다. 우리는 하이 엔드 IT 프로세스 교육 프로그램 PMP 6 시그마 CMMi 소프트 기술 인격 개발 리더십 관리 기술 커뮤니케이션 기술 비즈니스 영어 커뮤니케이션 우리 팀이 더 많은 것을 만질 수있는 편리한 시간을 알려 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 프로젝트 IT 프로젝트 관리 컨설팅 및 교육 서비스 전문 엔터프라이즈 프로젝트 관리 공간에서 컨설팅 솔루션을 제공합니다. 프로젝트 관리는 프로젝트 관리 도메인에서 고객을 위해 맞춤식 교육 및 맞춤식 교육 과정을 제공합니다. 이 과정은 실시간 프로젝트 사례 연구 및 시나리오를 기반으로하며 참가자들에게 매우 실습을 제공합니다..IFrames Technologies 우리는이 분야에서 미래의 개척자를 찾고 있으며 IFrames Technologies에서 우리는 밝고 젊고 눈부신 개인을 식별하고 미래의 세계의 도전과 요구를 충족시키기 위해 IBM 시스템에서 그들을 훈련시키는 데 중점을 둘 것입니다. 우리는 당신을 가르치지 않습니다. 우리는 당신을 훈련시킵니다. VANI 공학 기술 연구소 VIET VANI 공학 기술 연구소 VIET은 1991 년 Hyderabad에서 결과 지향 코칭을 제공함으로써 공학 교육의 새로운 경향을 이끌어내는 직관으로 설립되었습니다. VANI Institute of Engineering Technology는 처음에 모든 지점에서 AMIE Sec AB를위한 기관이었으며 AP에서 좋은 평판을 받았습니다. 나중에 모든 지점에서 GATE 코칭을 시작했습니다. more. PristineCareers Pristine Careers는 세계적 수준의 전문가를 육성하기위한 비전을 가진 금융 훈련 기관입니다. 금융 리스크 관리 분야에서 2008 년 FRM PRM CFA를 위해 500 명의 학생들을 교육 시켰습니다. 시험에서 큰 성공률 Pristine Careers는 교사 평균 4 점 7 점, 온라인 상 4 점 85 점으로 인상적인 피드백을 받았습니다. Assist Academy ASSIST Academy, Astra Infotech sa 소프트웨어 인도의 Engginering 서비스 조직 유럽 교육 팔은 독점적 인 소프트웨어 엔지니어링 교육 센터입니다. 인도 최초의 ASSIST 아카데미는 ASSIST Academy가 유일합니다. ASSIST Academy는 통찰력을 바탕으로 주로 소프트웨어 엔지니어링의 다양한 측면에 대한 교육을 제공합니다. Tree India SKILL TREE - 훌륭한 인프라로 전문성을 제공합니다. 숙련 된 고급 학부 개인 스킬에 중점을 둡니다. 선택 교육 방법론 확실한 배치 기회 SKILL TREE - 소프트 스킬에 대한 교육을위한 다양한 옵션 제공 회사에 대한 맞춤식 교육 판매 마케팅을위한 건강 관리 비 IT more. Onix 아카데미 오닉스 아카데미는 다양한 네트워킹 및 IT 보안 관련 강좌에서 고급 IT 교육 솔루션 학생 또는 업계 전문가를 고용하여 하드웨어, 네트워킹 또는 IT와 같은 요구 사항에 적합한 다양한 교육 프로그램을 제공합니다. Security Onix Academy는 업계 인증 교육 강좌를 제공합니다 CCNA CWNA에서 더 많이. 오라클 베스트 우리는 첸나이에서 opearating 오라클 기술에 교육 및 컨설팅 서비스를하고 있습니다 우리는 모든 오라클 기술을 따르는 기업 및 개인 훈련을하고 있습니다. 1 D2K PL-SQL DBA 9i, 10g 금융 제조 유통 HRMS CRM 기술 -11i DBA - 11i 더. IBM 메인 프레임 교육 인도 첸나이 방갈로 델리 하이데라바드 푸네 티르 반드 인도 IBM 메인 프레임 교육 인도 방갈로르, 푸네, 델리, 하이 데 라 바드, 첸나이, 트리 반드 룸에서 인도의 톱 10 메인 프레임 교육 기관 목록 120 개 메인 프레임 교육 기관에 인도 평가 방갈로르의 첸나이에서 가능한 인도 사무소의 비영리 조직입니다. 자야 카르타 (Jayakartha) 더 나은 목표를 달성하고 회사의 전체 론적 개발을 목표로하기 위해서는 충분히 재능 있고 숙련 된 동기가 부여 된 작업 그룹을 보유하는 조직의 끊임없는 노력이 필요합니다. 조직의 기본 투자 방식을 극적으로 변화시키기위한 노력 V 인력 개인 차원에서의 긍정적 인 영향조차도 엄청난 성장을 의미합니다. People First Learning 교육 서비스 People First는 인도에서 가장 큰 행동 훈련 회사입니다. 다양한 기능 교육 프로그램 우리는 150 명 이상의 트레이너를 In 현재 6 개 도시에서 활동 중 - 봄베이 델리 캘커타 첸나이 방갈로르 하이데라바드 인 First는 50 개가 넘는 교실 기반 학습 프로그램과 3,000 가지가 넘는 온라인 및 인트라넷 기반 학습을 제공합니다. Yuvaraj 5-Excellent Training 2013 년 2 월 10 일 수요일 8 나는 SAS를 완성했다. 정상 스트림 프로그램 그들은 서로 다른 프로그램 스트림을 가지고있다. 이벤트 플래너는 정말 좋았다. 나는 그것을 아주 좋아한다. 나는이 곳의 모든 것을 사랑한다. 교수진은 훌륭했다. 경험 많은 사람도 매우 흥미로운 현실 세계 경험을 많이 가지고왔다. 수업 토론 및 활발한 논쟁 그래서 그들은 전통적인 교과서 재료뿐만 아니라 그것을 부를 수 있습니다. 과정 제공은 최고 수준의 SAS, informatica, SQL, JSP 등입니다. 다른 곳에서는이 요금표가 없습니다. 그들의 헌신, 유연성과 혁신 창의력 거짓말을하지 않을거야, 다른 곳과 비교할 때 싸다 코스 비용은 정당하고 확실하게 가치가있다. tha U 5-Excellent Training 2013 년 1 월 10 일 화요일 오후 4시. Ampersand Academy에서 SAS를 공부했는데, 그들이 제공 한 교육은 내가 최고의 바이오 배경이었고 프로그래밍에 익숙하지 않았기 때문에, 프로그래밍 언어로 진행되었지만 트레이너는 매우 오래 참으며 SAS의 방법론은 SAS에서 잘 훈련받을 수 있도록 도와주었습니다. 그들은 SAS 인증을 작성하라고 안내해 주었으며 이제는 SAS 인증 전문가입니다. Ampersand Academy 덕분입니다. prasanna 5-Excellent Training 15-Jan - 2013 년 12 월 12 일 화요일 오전 12시, 인도 타밀 나두 (Tamil Nadu)에있는 훈련 공급자. Sysadmin Academy Chennai 타밀 나두 시스 스케 어드클 러먼트 소프트웨어 관리 과정에서 가장 우수 Usman 도로에 위치하고 있습니다. 첸나이는 첸나이 실크에 GRT Opp 옆에 위치하고 있으며 모든 소프트웨어 더 많은 것을위한 행정 관리 서비스 Pvt 주식 회사 Pune Maharashtra QLogy는 당신의 모든 훈련 필요를 충족시키는 원 스톱 솔루션입니다. 우리는 탁월한 운영 능력을 향상시키기위한 인력 솔루션에 대한 전문 지식을 보유하고 있습니다. gs는 IT 서비스 관리 - 최대 ITIL입니다. KnowledgeWoods Consulting Pvt Ltd Noida Uttar Pradesh KnowledgeWoods Consulting Pvt Ltd는 - 1 비즈니스 이상인 고객 중심 솔루션을 제공하는 데 초점을 맞춘 국제 프로젝트 관리 교육 및 컨설팅 회사입니다. Chennai Tamil Nadu Asktenali com - HRD 트레이너 및 컨설턴트 최고의 교육 기관이 기업 조직을위한 교육 솔루션을 제공합니다. HR 교육 부서는 모든 영역에서 전문 지식을 보유하고 있으며, 그 이상입니다. IT 컴퓨터 교육 첸나이 타밀 나두 성공적인 구직을 위해 기술 및 목표를 달성 할 수 있습니다. 성공적인 직업을 위해서는 새로운 기술과 노력을 습득해야합니다. 단순히 더 많은 것을 가지고 문을 나설 수는 없습니다. Coremind Technologies Chennai, Tamil Nadu Core mind Technologies는 빠르게 성장하는 조직으로 다양한 서비스를 제공합니다 귀하의 비즈니스 요구에 부응합니다. 회사는 방대한 기술을 보유한 젊은 전문가 팀이 승진합니다. Kamalakannan Kamaraj Chennai 타밀 나두 온라인 멀티미디어 응용 프로그램 개발 컨설턴트입니다. Flash를 사용하여 10 년 이상 응용 프로그램 개발 경험을 가지고 있습니다. wiziq com white more. infySEC Chennai 타밀 나두 infySEC는 빠르게 성장하는 보안 서비스입니다 조직화, 우리의 초점은 Client Security Research Development의 3 가지 분야입니다. 고객과 함께 지적 자산을 구축하는 것입니다. 관리 학자 아카데미 Chennai Tamil Nadu MS Academy는 관리 예술과 과학 수식의 미묘한 차이를 심어줄 비전으로 설립되었습니다. KBuffer, T Nagar Chennai 타밀 나두 우리는 KBuffer India는 테크니컬 라이팅 eLearning, Instructional Designing 및 ePublishing에서 전문 과정을 제공하는 선도 기관 중 하나입니다. 온라인 교육 프로그램을 더 많이 제공합니다. Officetechworld Chennai Tamil Nadu 이메일 officetechworld gmail com Whatsup Call 91-8939 207070 Web OfficeTechWorld com 우리는 15 년 이상 Microsoft Office 교육 자동화 서비스를 제공하는 전문가입니다. JTech Solutions Chennai 타밀 나두 우리는 신입 사원 및 개인 훈련을 모색하고있는 기업을 위해 j2ee 우리는 또한 실제 사례로 기업 부문을 위해 훈련합니다. 조사를 통해 Chennai Tamil Nadu BRIP은 조직 전체의 정보 보안 문제를 해결할 수있는 질적, 반복적, 입증 가능한 프로그램을 적용하여 더 많은 것을 줄임으로써 총 소유 비용을 낮추는 데 도움을줍니다. Stanintel Chennai Tamil Nadu StaffStaffintel은 Consulting TECHZONE은 1997 년부터 자체 학습 및 설립 된 회사로서 소프트웨어 개발 전문가로서 성공 기회를 예견 해 왔습니다. TECHZONE은 개인 학습 팀 및 조직의 여행을 지원하기 위해 컨설팅, 교육 및 평가 서비스를 제공하는 교육 평가 조직입니다. business With our clients have more. Image Infotainment Limited Chennai Tamil Nadu Program Philosophy ICAT is a multifaceted learning environment that aims to provide a holistic education All programs start with a core curriculum of liberal and fine art such as Acting more. Work Senses Chennai Tamil Nadu We at Work Senses condu ct customized workshops on Professional Effectiveness, based on training needs of organisations What we bring to our services is a strong commitment to accomplish the more. Work Senses Chennai Tamil Nadu About work Senses Work Senses is involved in conducting Professional Effectiveness Workshops for corporate and educational institutions Work Senses aims at facilitating human development more. Oracle Best Chennai Tamil Nadu We are opearating from chennai Doing Training and consulting services on Oracle technologies We are doing corporate and individual training in following all Oracle technologies 1 D2K PL-SQL more. Globaledge Training Academy Erode Tamil Nadu Basically we provide HR consultancy to companies on recruting staff, train them on softskills training programmes for 1 day to 1 month , help the companies to conduct staff appraisals etc, rnrnWe more. Coastal Training Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu Coastal India offers a wide range of products which is applicable for HR Marketing s tudents in your esteemed has specialised in the area of providing Training materials in more. ecclesia technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu CORPORATE TRAINING We provide cost effective consultative training services that ReDeFine the success of corporate training programs ecclesia Technologies offers single end solutions to all more. Global Techno Solutions Chennai Tamil Nadu GTS a leading Solution Provider offers final year projects with IEEE standards for ME BE MCA Msc Bsc Dip in the fields of Java J2EE JSP Struts EJB Dotnet Embedded System Microcontrollers GSM GPS more. DuraSoft Chennai Tamil Nadu DuraSoft is a premier corporate training and consulting company based in Chennai India We focus on object-oriented and web based technologies We offer courses in the following areas - Ruby more. Paradigm Shift Chennai Tamil Nadu Paradigm Shift is a knowledge consulting company with specialist teams working to create high-value solutions We are committed to delivering excellence through innovative l earning solutions With more. Power Technologies Software And Web Development Chennai Tamilnadu Power Technologies Software Web Development was established in 2006 by a single dedicated professional programmer By God s grace and his keeness to each job, it has protracted into a more. Launchpad Ventures p Ltd Chennai Tamil Nadu Launchpad for training Launchpad Ventures founded in 2004 is India s leading corporate training solutions company that provides senior management, employees, compliance professionals and more. Shanmuga Industrial Training Center KALASAPAKKAM TIRUVANNAMALAI Tamil Nadu We do impart Vocational Training Programs to the Youths and Women towards their economical sustainability throgh self employment and employment opportunities We offer residential and non more. Delmonte Foods India pvt ltd Chennai Tamil Nadu Delmonte is fruit and vegetable processing inductry in India and we are giving training to our associate regarding HACCP, ISO more. ASK Technologies India Private limit ed Chennai MADRAS Tamil Nadu ASK Technologies-the pioneer in training in automobile electronics was established in the year 2005 to cater to the future demad in th semi conductor we run short term programs more. Mind Catalysts Consulting Group Chennai Tamil Nadu We are a progressive training organization specializing in enhancing and nurturing the marvelous machine called the mind We sincerely believe that external attributes are the consequences of more. EDUSPHERE Chennai Tamil Nadu We offer courses on games Programming We offer intensive courses on Games design and development and cover hard core game programing likes of C for games programming, DirectX OpenGL Games moreschool Chennai Tamil Nadu We are training Placements division of a IT Company in chennai Currently we are providing a course called Network Administration The course covers 4 modules which includes more. Jayakartha Chennai Tamil Nadu It is the constant endeavor of any organization to have sufficiently talented, skilled a nd motivated workgroup in order to reach better targets and aim for the holistic development of the company more. iBorderless india p Ltd Chennai Tamil Nadu We iBorderless Institute of Information Technology iBIIT provide training and placement in the core modules of SAP NET and Software Testing meticulous planning and practical design has been more. SA International Ltd Chennai Tamil Nadu SA International Ltd SAI is a joint venture company of ELCOT a Govt of Tamilnadu Undertaking SAI conduct professional training courses covering a wide range of engineering topics for technology more. Pragmatic Systems Incorporated Coimbatore Tamil Nadu Pragmatic Systems Inc is a medical transcription services company aimed at providing high-quality end-to-end services to its clients To feed the growing demand of the medical transcriptionists more. Plexus Software Security Systems Pvt Ltd Chennai Tamil Nadu Plexus is a reputed training centre for RHCE CCNA CCNP PIXFIREWALL Plexus Authorized REDHAT trainin g partner Exam centre Certified and well experienced faculties provide training more. Aspeya Chennai Tamil Nadu ASPEYA is a spinning name over the professionals who trying to show their self development ASPEYA is the right place for the Software Engineers to get trained from our esteemed institution and more. Onix Academy Chennai Tamil Nadu Onix Academy specializes in providing advanced IT training solutions on a variety of Networking and IT Security related courses Whether you re a student or an more. Rukshi Career Academy p Limited Chennai Tamil Nadu We would like to introduce ourselves as a subsidiary Company of Smartsoft International Inc visit them at smartsoftus com , an Inc 500 honoree in the US with a group turnover of more. Chandrashekar Babu Chennai Tamil Nadu We are an experienced IT Training and Consultancy Services firm focused on Free Software Open Source Technologies for IT companies and organizations The organization is headed by Mr Chandrashekar more. Peiraa Technologies Ch ennai Tamil Nadu Peiraa offers Software documentation services on Onsite Offshore business models We create User Manuals Online help systems, API documentation and other Technical documentation Our Training more. Remotech Engineers Limited Chennai madras Tamil Nadu Remo International college of Aviation Offers Best aviation training in Air hostess training Pilot Training Airport Ground staff training Flight dispatcher training Cabin crew training Air more. ADFguru Chennai MADRAS Tamil Nadu We offer corporate E2E training for ADF J2EE Framework JDeveloper introduction Introduction to Oracle ADF Applications Development process in ADF Building Business Services UI creation more. Aadhityaa Infomedia Solutions Chennai Tamil Nadu AADHITYAA INFOMEDIA SOLUTIONS IS AN ISO CERTIFIED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT OFFERING REALTIME PROJECTS BASED ON IEEE PAPERS ON THE FOLLOWING TECHNOLOGIES, 1 JAVA J2EE J2ME 2 DOTNET VC more. SICT Computer Education Coimbatore Tamil Nadu SICT COMPUTER EDUCATION is a well know n, fast growing leading computer educational network in Tamilnadu Start SICT Franchise Centre No Franchise Fee and No royalty Set-up co-ordinate more. AIDEA Advanced Training Chennai Tamil Nadu AIDEA INFOTECH is a leading Placement oriented advanced computer training institute in chennai We offer real time training by corporate faculties and working IT professionals Our Training more. Assist Academy Chennai Tamil Nadu ASSIST Academy, Astra Infotech s a Software Engginering services organization in India Europe Training arm, is an exclusive software engineering training center, first of its kind in the more. SADI, Japanese Language School Chennai Tamil Nadu SADIJAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL Company Profile SADI is a Japanese firm, established with a mission to provide quality and cost effective Engineering Design Services to customers in the Automotive more. Astound Consultancy Services Chennai Tamil Nadu We offer Training in DOTNET JAVA J2EE PHP 3D GAME Development, 2D other 3D Courses The place ment will be guaranteed and the Candidates can receive their appointment order on the 1st more. Prism Consultants Chennai Tamil Nadu Process safety training including Elements of process safety management, Process safety for plant operators, Process safety in API manufacturing and R D, Management of change, HAZOP Incident more. eGrove Systems Pvt Ltd chennai Tamil Nadu eGrove Systems Pvt Ltd bea Select Partner eGrove System offers exclusive Training for various IT sectors Training focused For the Developing high-end professionals After successful more. Endeavor Knowledge Solutions Chennai Tamil Nadu Endeavor Knowledge Solutions is a soft skills training firm, where people firmly beleive in the enormous capacity of every individual It tries to bring it out by giving the participants a new more. PJ Educational Trust Madurai Tamil Nadu PJ Educational Trust Registered under the Societies Registration Act 811 04 of 1860 1 Name of the Institution PJ Academy Run by PJ Educational Trust 2 Location of the office The registered more. Guruttam Chennai - Hyd - Blore - Kochi Tamil Nadu PMP Certification Training CAPM Certification Training PPMI - Professional Project Management Incubator more. ThinkFuture Chennai MADRAS Tamil Nadu We ThinkFuture are a progressive training organization specializing in enhancing and nurturing the marvelous machine called the mind We sincerely believe that external attributes are more. MECH-CI CADD Kodambakkam Tamil Nadu PDS TRAINING PLACEMENT, 1 COMPANY IN INDIA MECH-CI CADD Engg Pvt Ltd leading Engineering ISO 9001-2000 Certified Company, offer services Design Projects High end training more. Innovata Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu FINAL YEAR PROJECTS FOR BE MCA with PLACEMENT GUIDANCE OUR CORE TECHNOLOGIES AND FUNCTIONAL AREAS EMBEDDED AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND J2ME MOBILE JAVA JAPANESE LANGUAGE TRAINING IS ALSO more. Peoplecraft Chennai Tamil Nadu Welcome to Peoplecraft the high-energy, high-impact, soft skills training provider We are trusted partners with various organizations ranging from small to medium to Fortune 500 companies more. VMONSystems Chennai Tamil Nadu We offer ITIL Foundation V2 V3 Training at Chennai India faculty is having 20 years of experience in the IT field and trained 500 Students on ITIL Foundation certification courses more. GurukulOnline Chennai Tamil Nadu Corporates are excited about e-learning Why E-learning lowers the cost of training development Supporting classroom with web enables corporates to save more. Pixal Maya Chennai Tamil Nadu Pixal Maya - A Trusted Name in Chennai Pixal Maya is a revolution in the field of animation education with specialists in 2D 3D animation training It is the only animation institute to more. Select Automation Purasawalkam, chennai Tamil Nadu We SELECT AUTOMATION a leading Automation company serves solutions to leading companies in Automation field Also Provides CAREER-ORIENTED TRAINING FINAL YEAR PROJECT GUIDANCE for the more. GreenBooks Learning Solutions Chennai Tamil Nadu GreenBooks builds productivity in people and organizations through aligned, innovate and cost effective training solutions Our Programs 1 Measuring ROI in Training 2 Leadership Solutions more. Barnas Academy Chennai Tamil Nadu Barnas Academy Barnas Academy is engaged in extending premier IT related training courses to cater to the Specific needs of organizations involved in Software Development System Network more. Sky IT Solutions Anna Nagar East, Chennai Tamil Nadu Our company was established in the year 2000 During the tenure of 9 years of our existence, we have focused on imparting Training Oracle to around 25 corporate houses in India and aborad more. Embzon Chennai Tamil Nadu Embzon is an innovative product development company located in Chennai India The company have Training and develops to design single board computer modules so called PC-on-chip and more. Skb Engineering Systems Chennai Tamil Nadu SKB ENGINEERING SYSTEMS Provides High Quality Industrial Piping Training Design Det ailing with Placement Assurance Piping experts with more than 15 years exp will conduct the classes Very more. Adroit Design Solutions Chennai madras Tamil Nadu We Adroit Design Solutions provide training in CAD CAM CAE PIPING GD T in chennai, India we provide services in the same area for reputed company for design Our training will more. Vantech Global Solutions Chennai Tamil Nadu Vantech Global Solutions experts in implementation, upgradation and provides support for entire suite of Oracle products Vantech provides application and technical consulting, database more. NCCT India Chennai Tamil Nadu FINAL YEAR PROJECTS NCCT, SOFTWARE EMBEDDED SYSTEM PROJECTS, IEEE MCA BE BTECH ME PROJECTS, SOFTWARE EMBEDDED SYSTEM INNOVATIVE FINAL YEAR PROJECTS-SOFTWARE EMBEDDED more. Vdia Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu Chennai s premier IT Consultancy and Training firm, offering FULL TIME 30 days intensive training in and JAVA technologies We also offer the same course on a PART TIME delivery more and m ore. Cognex Technology Pvt Ltd chennai Tamil Nadu Cognex Technology is Chennai s IT Training, IT services Network security projects Company offering a wide array of solutions customized for a range of key verticals and horizontals in the more. Brace Radical Information Security Chennai Tamil Nadu Brace Radical Information Security Pvt Ltd was established in 2004 with the objective of emerging as a reliable provider of end to end information security consulting and training solutions to more. SSB Coaching Center Coimbatore Tamil Nadu SSB Coaching Center ssbcoach com is India s premier professional training center located in Coimbatore It has been coaching for selection as an Indian Army or Navy or Air Force more. Learning Lounge Solutions Chennai Tamil Nadu Introduction Learning Lounge Solutions is a knowledge consulting company catering to the learning and development needs of today s global corporate and institutional environment Our core team more. STG - Software Technology Group Chennai C hennai Tamil Nadu Software Technology Group STG was founded in 1993 with its US Headquarters in Silicon Valley California It has been built over the past 14 years on strong ethical and moral more. Vmon Systems Chennai Tamil Nadu VMON SYSTEMS is a Training and Consulting company, providing organisations with ITIL Training and Consultancy Service Our focus is towards ITIL Training and ITIL Implementation consultancy more. Biozone Research Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu Biozone, a lifescience research centre comprises of a dedicated team of scientists, academicians and experts with extensive industrial experience in various fields of biotechnology and more. Inspired by Poppy Ltd Chennai Tamil Nadu Inspired by Poppy Ltd is a UK-based registered limited company offering a Spoken English experience both in the classroom and through web-based e-learning tools specific for the India morepetency Centre-Software Quality Chennai Tamil Nadu Preferred Choice of IT companies for Training Placement Can be your choice too CARRERS IN TESTING QUALITY Established in 1998, the first to innovate career training in more. Shimidesigns and Consulting Engineers Private Limited Chennai Tamil Nadu SHIMI Designs and Consulting Engineers Private Limited Design your career with SHIMI TRAINING For PDS PLANT DESIGN SYSTEM MICRO STATION, PIPING STRUCTURAL more. FILM MAGIC Chennai Tamil Nadu FILM MAGIC Specializes in training in high-end computer graphics for the entertainment industries, primarily visual effects, animation and game development MISSION Computer animated visual more. ikSoft Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu ikSoft Technologies is a Software Networking service provider delivering software Networking technology that meets the strategic objectives of our clients ikSoft Training division more. Techskills Educare and HR India Pvt Ltd chennai Tamil Nadu Fly Air Aviation Academy is professionally managed by experienced Aviation Professionals we trains young talent aspiring to seek a career in the a viation, Travel Tourism industry The recent more. MGR Institute of Aviation and Tourism walajapet Tamil Nadu Get online certificate with global valid certificate learn courses in online or offline with your option more. Vriksh India Thuvakudy, Trichy Tamil Nadu Vriksh specializes in innovative, creative and comprehensive solutions, and offers services in Process Improvement Information System Media Learning and Training services with the complete more. JENiSOFT Solutions Chennnai Tamil Nadu We have vast experience in the ORACLE SQL SERVER DBA field and sound knowledge in their domain We as unique in its training and delivery methodology as to which provide the participant more. Abdul International Massages Chennai Tamil Nadu AIM SPA ACADEMY ABDUL INTERNATIONAL MASSAGES Start A Rewarding Career Today In Massages Reflexology To Become A Professional SPA Therapist With a dynamic working network in India more. Yasotha Hypnosis Academy Chennai Tamil Nadu yasotha hypnosis academy training courses on clinical hypnotherapy on three levels now in chennai level-I level-II level-III WORKSHOPS RELATED HYPNOSIS AREA ALSO CONDUCTED more. Evs Academy Chennai Tamil Nadu Evs Academy is an institution for women development we offer personality development and communication skill training and have plans to add more and more training courses focused on women more. IFrames Technologies Velacherry Tamil Nadu We are looking for future pioneers in this field and we learnt what it takes to get them Here in IFrames Technologies we will focus on identifying bright, young, aspiring individuals and train more. Pate Pantech Academy Of Technical Excellence Chennai Tamil Nadu PATE Pantech academy of technical excellence is an institution of higher learning with a mission that incorporates teaching, research, creative activity and service PATE has state-of-the-art more. MMM Training Solutions Nungambakkam Tamil Nadu MMM Training Solutions is a Soft Skills Training company located in Chennai India We conduct programs in different parts of the world Our client list is a testament to the quality of work we do more. Medspan International Pharmacist Training Company Chennai Tamil Nadu We train the pharmacist to pass any sort of licensure exams across the world All the very best for Indian Pharmacists To train the qualified Pharmacist into a competitive Pharmacist who will be more. Highplaces International Academy Chennai Tamil Nadu We wish to inform you on the subject if you could spare few minutes of your time The High Places International Academy is an initiative aimed at making you more relevant in the rapidly changing more. ChennaiNet Chennai Tamil Nadu ChenniNet is a professionally managed organization primarily focused on Information technology and Information Security related services and solutions We provide exam focussed instructer-led more. ATS Elgi Ltd Coimbatore Tamil Nadu ATS Elgi is a wholly owned subsidiary of Elgi Equipments Ltd - a major business conglomerate based at Coimbatore - India The company is positioning itself as a one-stop shop automotive equipment more. STQAC Chennai Tamil Nadu Testing Tools Online Training 700 STQAC, a global testing certifications body with sales offices in USA UK and Australia providing software testing tools training and certification through more. GiiT Gurukul Institute of Information Technology Kanya kumari Dist Tamil Nadu GiiT Gurukul Institute of Information Technology committed to offer high end courses with highly trained faculty We are the one offer latest courses before others Our success in this field more. K Karthik Raja Chennai Tamil Nadu When is the sensex heating up When is it cooling off There are numerous questions that you d want to know as an investor We provide you with the answers in a step by step, comprehensive more. Little Gems chennai Tamil Nadu We provide prenatal training for mothers and conduct training program from 0-5 ages As a pioneer in the infant education for the past 16 years, Little Gems leading ch ild more. MaasTech chennai Tamil Nadu Dear sir madam, WE ARE THE MANUFACTURERS, WE ARE NOT RESELLERS Maas tech is an embedded solution provider with a vision to develop industrial and educational projects with a specific approach more. Clement Mariyan Chennai Tamil Nadu If you are planning to certificate in ORACLE or struggling in live projects, don t not waste anytime Call me on I am Clement working as a ERP Techno-Functional Analyst in a top notch more. Thenetsense Chennai Tamil Nadu CCNA CCNP CCIP CCVP CUCM 7 UNITY CONNECTION 7 We understand your need that is why we deliver you the best quality course material and excellent infrastructure Our industry experienced and more. You in You Madurai Tamil Nadu Our training programs are based on NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming Approach Goal You in You training programs will be designed as per your needs or as per your expected outcomes more. Hayagriva Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu Since 2006, Hayagriva Technologies has been providing IT servic es and IT Training to Software companies around the world We specialize in building long term development teams for our customers more. NUTEC Technologies Nagercoil Tamil Nadu NUTEC TECHNOLOGIES, provides a wide range of service which includes Third party inspection, Training and Certification programs in NDT Welding Inspection Our training programs are based on a more. Calydon It Academy TRICHY Tamil Nadu Calydon IT Academy is the subsidiary of Calydon Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd We provide creative, flexible and advanced training to corporate and public throughout India and worldwide We focus on more. Sify Technologies Limited Chennai Tamil Nadu About Sify e-Learning With over 9 years of expertise in developing custom eLearning courseware Sify today has established proven practices and models that meet the organization objectives and more. Jagsel Biosolutions Chennai Tamil Nadu JAGSELL Bio Solutions JBS is a premier training institute in Chennai offering a wide range of courses We offer a fir st class training with the highest standards We have envisioned our more. Mkdramesh Chennai Tamil Nadu Customised training in Photoshop Illustrator and Indesign provided for Print Publshing industries and ad agencies for fast and effective usage of the tools Also training provided for more. Ipm Software Solutions Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu IPM SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS IS AN ISO CERTIFIED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT OFFERING REALTIME PROJECTS BASED ON IEEE PAPERS ON THE FOLLOWING TECHNOLOGIES, 1 JAVA J2EE J2ME 2 DOTNET VC 3 EMBEDDED more. Infotechtrainers Chennai Tamil Nadu We are a group of IT Trainers working across globe and with our 7 years of experience in training we are well versed with latest technological trends in IT For more details, please visit more. Semantics Chennai Tamil Nadu Semantics is an education firm offering online offline preparatory resources - study material, tests strategy notes etc for MBA preparation exams such as GMAT, CAT with innovative science of more. Kagira Drawing Solution chennai Tamil Nadu Kagira Drawing Solution Offering Piping Courses Theory course 1 Piping engineering 2 Advance pipe stress analysing 3 Piping design drafting 4 Process engineering more. DaVinci College of Media and Entertainment Chennai Tamil Nadu We are industry professionals, offering practical training in DI, VFX 3D Animation, Digital Cinema and Editing We have trained more than 1000 students in the past, and our strong industry more. Write Academy chennai Tamil Nadu Write Academy WA is a Chennai-based technical writing training and consulting firm Write Academy offers a comprehensive range of courses on the latest techniques, tools and technologies for more. ethics Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu ethics Technologies is the leading provider of embedded products and services using on embedded system technologies ethicsTechnologies started a core development team on Android Mobile more. SIM Technologies Pvt Ltd Chennai Tamil Nadu SIM Technologies is an authorize Training Support centre of SolidWorks and Mastercam to provide training and certification These certifications can be used as a benchmark to measure your more. Srivatsan Technologies chennai Tamil Nadu Our Technical training for industry is an integral part of engineering education development Our Training program is a unique experience in learning software and embedded systems It aims more. Bridgepoint Solutions Pvt Ltd Chennai Tamil Nadu We provide training in all aspects of Banking and financial services, right from beginners to seasoned bankers Multinational banks operating in India are our customers more. Soorya Institute Of Management Studies Pondicherry Tamil Nadu Academic Greetings from SOORYA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT SUDIES SIMS - PONDICHERRY We welcome to start your carrier in the world s fastest growing industry, HOSPITALITY HOTEL AND TOURISM more. Ascend Esteem Pondicherry Tamil Nadu We are a training and consulting firm engaged in IT training, Recruitment and provide infrastructure Lab facilities Trai ning - We offer a wide range of training solutions on Sun more. Destiny Inc Vadapalani, Chennai Tamil Nadu About Us Destiny Inc is offering customized training solutions to the aspirants, Corporate and SME s Destiny the company of the new age economy provides professional training in cutting-edge more. Hans Technology Chennai Tamil Nadu Hans Technology is a training division of one of the leading software development companies in Chennai Hans Technology is a subsidiary company of kalam Software Technology Hans Technology offers more. Formative Software Solutions Private Limited Chennai Tamil Nadu We are IT compay focussing on portal, content and integration technologies We provide training on JBOSS stack more. ACE Recruitment Chennai Tamil Nadu ACE Recruitment is an fastest growing Training, Development and Recruitment company serving exclusively for Catering students We offer Training programs for Catering Students Staffs working in more. Virtuosity Skill Development Private Limited Chenn ai Tamil Nadu Virtuosity is pioneering Technology-aided Learning Solutions in the Indian Academia ushering in a new era of globally contemporary, boundary less, anytime anywhere learning opportunities for more. Indo Technological Services CHENNAI Tamil Nadu NDT TRAINING Indotech provide the right combination of classroom and laboratory NDT training to support industry standards for Level I and Level II qualifications according to the guidance of more. Polestar chennai Tamil Nadu we provide software training for the following courses 1 Oracle DBA 2 SQL Server DBA 3 Redhat Linux Admin 4 Sun Solaris Admin 5 SAP Basis Admin 6 Datawarehousing more. Formative Software Solutions Pvt Voltas Colony,2 nd Street, Nanganallur Tamil Nadu The Open Source Professionals is formed by open source enthusiasts who want to enable people in open source technologies We train people in niche technologies in JBoss stack SOA and UML Our more. Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc Chennai Tamil Nadu In all creative endeavor s be it drug discovery or great jazz - the unique inspirational spark originates with an individual, not from a collective effort At Infinity we want people who are more. AUROJAY Business Consultants Chennai Tamil Nadu Promoted by experts from the field of Banking Finance and Insurance AUROJAY Business Consultants has ace trainers who can transform learning efficiently The trainers carry more than two decades more. Web Content Writing Services Chennai Tamil Nadu If you are in lookout for a content writer to write your SEO articles, web content, press releases, case studies, news letters do send across your inquiries to webcontentwritingservices gmail more. EmbiCore Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu We are offering excellent, industry oriented In Plant Training that will enhance Your technical skills needed to develop software for embedded systems This is a very practical, results-oriented more. Southern Inspection Services Chennai Tamil Nadu Southern Inspection Services - one the leading and pioneers in the field of NDT services was incorporated with all the state-of-the-art facilities, infrastucture and wide experience by one of the more. Sathyaprema chennai Tamil Nadu We are an organisation specialised in workshops and classes in astrology, tarot cards, numerology and swara yoga Workshops are conducted now as online courses it will be taken by Mr more. RIPE Institute Private Limited Chennai Tamil Nadu A HR Development Company engaged in Training Consulting, Corporates Colleges on various soft skills, the only company in India to be certified by a world-class training company more. iACT Chennai Franchise Chennai Tamil Nadu Franchise Mission To facilitate fighting barriers of distance, time and develop our foundation as Independent and Ever Learning Society Introducing iACT Chennai iACT Chennai more. Mediators Chennai Tamil Nadu Mediators provides globally benchmarked training support to four diverse groups of stakeholders college students and fresh graduates working professi onals corporate houses Government more. Innoflex Chennai Tamil Nadu We offer training in the following areas WebSphere Application Server 6 1 Admin WebSphere MQ 7 0 Admin Development WebSphere Portal Server 6 1 Admin Development WebSphere Message more. Google Adsense Training Chennai Tamil Nadu Dear Friends Please go through the above url address or my website for full details about Google Training and Seo Training class and go through the topics covered my more. Object Arena chennai, tamilnadu, india Tamil Nadu ORACLE 10G DBA TRAINER REQUIRED ON PART TIME - FULL TIME BASIS WALK IN FOR IMMEDIATE OPENING CONTACT ObjectArena Software Solutions Pvt Ltd 103, Istfloor100 feet bypass, road velachery more. Vadamalai vellore Tamil Nadu WE teach technical analysis for financial market stock market, commodities market, and forex market more. Simple Labs Chennai Tamil Nadu Simple Labs is a company focused on providing simplified technology training in short-term workshop format Our workshops are tailor made to provide students with hands-on working experience We more. Greens Technologys Chennai Tamil Nadu Oracle Developer OCP Certification Training in Greens Adyar Greens Technology offer Oracle and Unix Training We offer Oracle and Unix training that will allow the students to experience a more. Magic Institute of Multimedia Chennai Tamil Nadu Magic Institute recognises the need for well - qualified and skilled professionals in Multimedia and medical transcription in this modern world Recognising this need, the Magic Institute has set more. TechKnowledge Education Chennai Tamil Nadu The Inception of TechKnowledge Education was to address the gap in the education Industry by providing unique extra-curricular activities that would not only improve the student s creativity but more. d Arts of T D gandhipuram, coimbatore Tamil Nadu d Arts of T D has training and development division In training division we train software testing, embedded systems, dotnet, PHP Mysql, RIA and webdesigning, lamp python more. Vestel Telecom Services Chennai Tamil Nadu VESTEL is a leading telecom support services company, focused on inspiring young engineers to become well trained telecom professional We provide customized training on core telecom more. FOURYES TQM CONSULTANTS Chennai Tamil Nadu We FOURYES TQM CONSULTANTS is a leading Management System Consultancy Organization offering various types of Services related to Management Systems FTQM has a strong base of more than 1000 more. Zend Framework Training Chennai Tamil Nadu World Class Zend Framework Training Workshop in Chennai The seminar will be held by experienced Zend Framework Corporate Trainer Do not miss this wonderful opportunity Duration 2 more. Wisen Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu Established in chennai, India Wisen Technologies is the one of the leading and fast growing professional IT Training Company with well trained faculty and industry experts Best infrastructure more. Catalysts Chennai Tamil Nadu We offer PMP next training is scheduled on Mar 30 ,31 Apr 6,7 limited seats For more details please call us at 09600062201 CATALYSTS was founded by experienced more. Yaathum Biotech Pvt Ltd chennai Tamil Nadu Yaathum Biotech offers high quality real-time PCR kits and reagents for life sciences also offer real-time PCR based research services and certified implant training program to more. Excel Prodigy Chennai Tamil Nadu Excel Training Center was started in 2009 and later renewed as Excel Prodigy Training Consultancy Private Limited Excel Prodigy dream is to create proficiency in MS Excel We are renowned more. Bliss Serve Corporates Madurai Tamil Nadu Bliss Serve Corporates provides entire training in Software development life cycle and recruitment support in all verticals of Industries BSC have young and energetic team to provide the dynamic more. Indian Institute of Mind Power Training Chennai Tamil Nadu Headquartered in Chennai IIMPT offers nlp Training We cater three categories Organizations Individuals - working executives entrepreuners housewives Students School and college We more. Gempis Technologies Chennai Tamil Nadu Gempis Technologies is focused at world class training on Oracle, soft skills and PMP Gempis is a diversified IT services company focus on the banking and financial services We focus on the more. BlueBay Soft Solutions Kodambakkam, Chennai Tamil Nadu 2011 marked the beginning of BlueBay Soft Solutions The small but punch packed team created innovative applications in field of Java Android Net, Matlab and Embedded systems The team apart more. Tta Chennai Tamil Nadu TTA, an Initiative of Talhunt Nextgen Education Pvt Ltd is one of the fastest growing professional talent development company for the Information technology sector TTA is promoted managed more. Gd - Tech Systems Chennai Tamil Nadu We are the No 1 Websphere Training Institute in India We train corporates in all websphere technologies We provide real time training for the following Technologies All the trainers are more. Cr iben technologies chennai Tamil Nadu The leading authorized organisation runs in Open Source training, Web Development and IT Recruitment Board We offer a wonderful gateway to all the emerging customers who needs to endower their more. Aabiance Technology chennai Tamil Nadu HI, Greetings from Aabiance Technology Aabiance technology is incorporated with the Indian government, with a commitment to provide world class training in the fields of information more. Enteccon MADURAI Tamil Nadu Enteccon was incubated by its founders, as early as when they were in their college It is emerging as a premier training company fostering edutainment to education Enteccon s unique way of more. VectraFORM Engineering Services Coimbatore Tamil Nadu We provide 3d scanning, 3d printing, desktop CNC milling machines and also respective services along with training We have started the training center to fulfill the requirement of world more. Adler Aerospace Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai Tamil Nadu ADLER Aerospace speci alizes in the design, development and manufacturing of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Multirotors Steadfast Training and Engineering Service endeavor with focus on more. Iict Chennai Chennai Tamil Nadu SAP Training in Chennai IICT SAP Training in Chennai IICT by certified SAP ERP Experts with vast domain experience in various SAP Modules by training is completely hands on and more. Zado Academy Chennai Tamil Nadu We are glad to inform you on our 4 weekend classes on Selenium and QTP training in Chennai on 16th August 2014 Companies hiring looking out for skills are convinced about the academic skills of more. Vernalis Academy Chennai Tamil Nadu At Vernalis Academy being the authorized Altair Training center, we focus on empowering engineers with CAE FEA CAD Design knowledge through our intensive and structured training courses more. Nyx Eychnologies Annanagar East Tamil Nadu BASIC ELECTRONICS DESKTOP COMPUTER CHIP LEVEL SERVICE FAULT FINDING AND TROUBLESHOOTING OF DESKTOP MOTHERBOARDS LAPTOP COMPUTER CHIP LEVEL SERVICE FAULT FINDING AND TROUBLESHOOTING OF moresys Infotech chennai Tamil Nadu Netsys Infotech Netsys Infotech is a company located in Nungambakkam, Chennai, India This is a started in the year 2007 and the major focus is on self employment training and IT cloud server more. Biglytics AGS Colony Extension Chennai Tamil Nadu We are data enthusiasts who believe that data can tell a story effectively Our goal is to take the story and make it a reality for our clients We use big data and data science to help our clients more. Mrserviceacademy chennai Tamil Nadu is an ISO 9001-2008 certified training academy providing extensive and well equipped training in mobile, smart devices, desktop, laptop and home appliancesheadquartered at more. Chennai S Best. Chennai S Best Training Providers and Trainers. Sysadmin Academy Sysadmin Academy The best in software administration courses Located in Usman road Chennai next to GRT Opp to chennai silks , provides speciality trainin g in all software administration for a very competetive cost and great quality Courses offerings include 1 Redhat Linux Adminstration Redhat Partners 2 HP Unix Administration 3 IBM AIX Administration 4 Sun Solaris more. Vyomlabs Pvt Ltd Vyom Labs offers end to end ITSM services encompassing ITIL Training ITIL ISO 20000 Consulting s art glass as a truly contemporary material and applied art, suitable for modern architecture and more. Yogiki What started out as robotics club has now transformed into the harbringer in the field Robotics and embedded systems Today, we are a leader in the next generation of Educational robotics in India Yogiki defines, designs and delivers technology-enabled business solutions that help the students win in a Flat World Yogiki also provides a complete range of services by leveraging our domain and more. Coalesce Technologies Pvt Ltd Coalesce Technologies specializes in Corporate Training Services and Technology Consulting Started in 2002 to cater to the growing needs on the IT Industry, it has been creating value for its customers and stake holders for over a Decade Coalesce Technologies Pvt Ltd is committed to Total Quality and unparalleled Customer service This commitment fuelled journey, encouraging us to think more. KalaAnantarupah Dance School Mr Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy FOUNDER DIRECTOR - KALAANANTARUPAH Profile Mr Thiyagarajakumar is one of the best Legendary mime theatre artist One of the acclaimed representatives of this world today Maestro of Mime Theatre Street play artist, Actor Speaker, Coach, Corporate Mime Theatre trainer, Mime-Theatre Therapy Specialist, Story teller, Children Specialist, Special children more. Remotech Engineers Limited Remo International college of Aviation Offers Best aviation training in Air hostess training Pilot Training Airport Ground staff training Flight dispatcher training Cabin crew training Air ticketing training We have three branches in Chennai Annanagar velachery Guindy coimbatore Hyderabad Del hi Trivandrum Dehradun more. Wiztech Automation Solutions Wiztech 91 99404 26826 is the best PLC Embedded VLSI Final year project Training institute in Chennai It Provides 100 practical training on PLC, SCADA, DCS, HMI, EMBEDDED, 8051, PIC, ARM, AVR, RTOS, VLSI Training with international certification oriented training and FREE Placement service more. Maintec Technologies Maintec is authorized training partner of IBM Global Services India Ltd to specifically impart quality training to the General Public and the Corporate Segment We have a commitment to offer best-of-class training services, we have a state-of-the-art training facilities with multiple classrooms, and a choice of Technology specialization The Labs are very effective as the In-house ES 9000 more. Mrserviceacademy is an ISO 9001-2008 certified training academy providing extensive and well equipped training in mobile, smart devices, desktop, laptop and home appliancesheadquartered at Chennai with an avowed aim of creating job readyservice professionals and successful entrepreneurs more. Iict Chennai SAP Training in Chennai IICT SAP Training in Chennai IICT by certified SAP ERP Experts with vast domain experience in various SAP Modules by training is completely hands on and practical training for all the SAP trainers for all the SAP modules works in leading MNC Companies in India and in Overseas Once the course is successfully completed we will assist for SAP more. KBS Training Institute for Microsoft Dynamics Training KBS Training Institute offers industry best Microsoft Dynamics online Training on four different modules like Microsoft Dynamics AX online training formerly Axapta , Microsoft Dynamics NAV online training formerly Navision , Microsoft Dynamics CRM online training Microsoft Dynamics GP online training formerly Great Plains Software With industry expert training of KBS Training Institute the more. Wisen Technologies Established in chennai, India Wisen Technologies is the one of the leading and fas t growing professional IT Training Company with well trained faculty and industry experts Best infrastructure with updated computers, original software and pleasant atmosphere to learn The courses are designed in such way that it gives both the theory and practical on real time working more. Besant Technologies At Besant Technologies we are offering best software training and placement in evergreen technologies like Oracle SQL PlSQL PHP Java J2ee IBM Mainframe Software Testing Informatica Data warehousing, Web Designing and Development, UNIX, C and C SHELL Scripting and more to the students We limit the batch size by 5-10 students in order to provide very good interaction with each and more. Highplaces International Academy We wish to inform you on the subject if you could spare few minutes of your time The High Places International Academy is an initiative aimed at making you more relevant in the rapidly changing world, by helping you become Global in outlook, personality and aspiration s Programs Be it going abroad for higher education or entertaining a foreign client, the best schools and colleges do not more. Indian Institute Of Bartending We, Indian Institute of Bartending are glad to introduce ourselves as the first and finest Bartending School in South India which is affiliated with World Bartenders Training Organization WBTO , British Columbia Canada We train and equip each student with the skills, knowledge and confidence demanded by today s Hospitality Industry Course details Part Time Full Time 1 IIBT Diploma more. Sketch Call Center Training Institute Private Ltd Who We Are Sketch, the winner of Shiksha Bharti Puraskar Award-2008 Awarded to Mr D Ravindra Kumar Director of SKETCH on a national basis in the Training, Development and Placement Services sector Sketch symbolizes quality, commitment and skilled achievers whose sole purpose is to strike a benchmark in the world of training and placements and provide the best service to our more. United Techno Solutio ns United Techno Solutions UTS is a solution savvy company, diligently working towards effective and useful solutions for different businesses Convergence of multiple domain expertise helps us in inventing customer friendly solutions Our software development and support group also has a training arm to support in-house resource requirements We hire people from major engineering and science more. Plexus Software Security Systems Pvt Ltd Plexus is a reputed training centre for RHCE CCNA CCNP conducting behavioral skills training for Schools Colleges and Corporate houses and provide Pre-Placement Training support for Engineering and Management Colleges Our support extends to Sikkim, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chennai, Andhra Pradesh, Jhansi, Chhattisgarh We have a big team of trainers from various Industrial background and more. Vibrant Ndt Services We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as VIBRANT NDT SERVICES VNS , a company based in Chennai We are providing Non-Destructive Testing NDT s ervices for various industries like Power Generation Petroleum Fertilisers Chemical Industries, Automobiles, and Forgings etc Vibrant NDT Services offer you a broader range of inspection solutions for the needs and specific more. Thenetsense CCNA CCNP CCIP CCVP CUCM 7 UNITY CONNECTION 7 We understand your need that is why we deliver you the best quality course material and excellent infrastructure Our industry experienced and certified instructors will share with you their real world experiences in the classrooms as you do the labs more. Wiztech Automation Solutions Pvt Ltd Wiztech Automation has been one of the top MNC s providing Embedded and Automation training and projects We give enhanced technical training in PLC SCADA VFD Control panels, field instruments, DCS Embedded Systems Programs Offered Industrial Automation Module1 Certified Automation Engineer Keyence, AB, ABB In-touch Wonderware VFD HMI Module 2 more. Green International - Experts in Management Training Project Management Consulting Welcome To Green International Management Training programs Our mission is to provide internationally recognized management training courses to suit the needs of all professionals in various domains to achieve their career goals through the professional credential certifications PMP CCE CCC LEED GA LEED AP PMI-SP PMI-RMP, PSP, CMA, FIDIC, Primavera P6 which are clearly intended to morepetency Partners Competency Partners conducts Software testing training in Bangalore, Pune, Delhi NCR and Chennai Competency Partners serves to be one of the best institutes for Software testing training as most of our students have been placed right after the training We also provide tailored courses in software engineering on site, off site or blended model to our corporate clients more. Mahesh FoReX LEARN AND EARN IN FOREX TRADING 100 guarantee for u r principal amount LEARN INVEST EARN PROFIT Pls dont invest u r hard earned money in any company and wait for their returns My personnel advice is to learn the Forex trading on your own and do the trading and take the profit Trading is a very simple process Earlier i was also very interested in investing in companies and many MLMs more. Pixelbyte Lab P Ltd India We Train You gain More than five years of experience in training LAMP Linux Apache MySQL PHP in Chennai India More than 300 Freshers and Professionals got trained LAMP by us successfully Reputed as best Corporate Trainers in Open Source in Chennai, India International Students from South Africa, Austria, UAE, Singapore More or less, all of our students got their dream IT-Jobs More more. Esquire Systems We are based out of chennai, having our delivery channel and clients across India We provide training on High End Training programs in IT Process PMP six Sigma CMMi Soft Skills Personality Development Leadership Managerial Skills Communication Skills Business English Communication We appreciate if u could let us know your convenient time for our Training team to touch mor e. ProjectingIT PROJECTING specializes in project management consulting and training services It provides consulting solutions in the Enterprise Project Management space Projecting provides customized training and tailor made courses for its customers in the project management domain The courses are based on real time project case studies and scenarios and provide a very hands-on learning to the participants more. IFrames Technologies We are looking for future pioneers in this field and we learnt what it takes to get them Here in IFrames Technologies we will focus on identifying bright, young, aspiring individuals and train them in IBM systems to meet the challenges and demands of tomorrow s world We don t teach you, we train you We are committed to see you as entrepreneurs and professionals and not just engineers more. VANI Institute of Engineering and Technology VIET VANI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY VIET was established at Hyderabad in the year 1991 with the intuition of bringin g new trends in Engineering education by offering result oriented coaching VANI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY initially was an institution for AMIE Sec A B in all branches and had good reputation in AP Later started coaching for GATE in all branches This more. PristineCareers Pristine Careers is a financial training institute with a vision to build world-class Professionals particularly in the area of Finance Risk Management We have trained 500 students for FRM PRM CFA in 2008 with a significant success ratio in the exam Pristine Careers has got an impressive feedback from its students with an average rating of 4 7 5 for teachers and 4 85 5 for online more. Assist Academy ASSIST Academy, Astra Infotech s a Software Engginering services organization in India Europe Training arm, is an exclusive software engineering training center, first of its kind in the country, probably anywhere else ASSIST Academy is FIRST and ONLY IBM RATIONAL partner in India ASSIST Academy provides training o n various aspects of Software Engineering mainly Testing, with insight more. Skill Tree India SKILL TREE - Provides Professional Excellence with Superb infrastructure Senior Experienced Faculties Special Focus on individual skills Selective Training Methodology Sure Placement opportunities SKILL TREE - Provides Multiple Options for Training on Soft Skills Customized training for Companies Sales Marketing Servicing For Healthcare Non IT more. Onix Academy Onix Academy specializes in providing advanced IT training solutions on a variety of Networking and IT Security related courses Whether you re a student or an industry professional, we have a host of training programs suited to your needs be it hardware, networking or IT Security Onix Academy provides industry certification training classes in CCNA CWNA more. Oracle Best We are opearating from chennai Doing Training and consulting services on Oracle technologies We are doing corporate and individual training in following all Oracle techno logies 1 D2K PL-SQL DBA 9i,10g Financials Manufacturing Distribution HRMS CRM Technical -11i DBA - 11i more. IBM MAINFRAME TRAINING in India at Chennai Bangalore Delhi Hyderabad Pune Tirvandrum IBM Mainframe Training in India We list Top 10 mainframe training institutes in india from bangalore, pune, delhi, hyderabad, Chennai, trivandrum A review portal which rates 120 mainframe training institutes in India We are a non-profit organization from india offices available in Chennai, Bangalore more. Jayakartha It is the constant endeavor of any organization to have sufficiently talented, skilled and motivated workgroup in order to reach better targets and aim for the holistic development of the company Ours is an effort to dramatically change the working patterns of the organization s basic investment V its people Even a marginal positive impact at an individual level signifies tremendous growth more. People First Learning Training Services People First is the largest behavioral training company in India We also provide diverse functional training programmes We have more than 150 trainers across In dia, and currently operate out of 6 cities - Bombay Delhi Calcutta Chennai Bangalore Hyderabad People First has more than 50 classroom-based learning programmes and more than 3,000 online and intranet based learning more.

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